"It was the oldest sound in the world. Souls flying away." The Secret Life of Bees

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer update

In case you didn't notice by my lack of outfit posts :), I don't feel very enthusiastic about summer clothes/fashion.  I don't like the heat very much, and once things reach a certain temperature, I usually just end up wearing whatever will keep me cool.   That usually translates to a simple dress and sandals.

I did recently get some new sandals to show off!  I have plantar fasciitis, so I have to be careful about what shoes I wear.  If it's a pair of shoes that I know I will be wearing for long periods of time, they have to be comfortable and have a lot of support, especially arch support.  I haven't had a lot of luck finding sandals that are structured/supportive.  I've always thought about birkenstocks because they are known for their comfort, and support, but the pair that I wore in high school always comes to mind:

 Yikes!  Not what I really think of as stylish these days:)  This season, I started hearing more and more about birkenstocks.  I wondered, could they actually be "in" this year?  I first saw a post over at Corporette (here) talking about the resurgence of birks.  I took note and started seeing them on other blogs.  That piqued my curiosity and I finally took a look at the styles Birkenstock has to offer right now.  I was pleasantly surprised.  Some of them are actually kind of cute!  Seeing them for sale at my favorite store sealed the deal (see the Gizeh on sale at anthro here).  I wanted a brighter color, so I turned to Amazon and found these for a great price (here): 

So far, I am loving them!

Here are a few recent outfits and some photos from my weekend    

Ice cream from Salt and Straw - one of the best things in Portland right now.  The honey balsamic strawberry with black pepper is FABULOUS.
One of my go-to summer dresses and my freshly pedicured toes
Ben and I went out for lunch and dinner yesterday.  It was too hot to cook!  We had these delicious oysters at the Parish.
Berries!  We went berry picking today.  Our adventure did not last long because it was really, really hot!
Cold apple cider from Ned Ludd
Some beauty from our front yard
A gift from my wonderful husband:)  I LOVE it!