I spent most of the day today in my PJ's, catching up on laundry and other fun stuff. When it comes to wrinkles, I have always been a 'throw it in the dryer for a few minutes' kind of gal. I actually just bought an iron this past year. Ben came home one day a couple of weeks ago with a clothes steamer from Macy's in tow. I thought that maybe he was trying to tell me something about the state of my clothes, but it turns out he needed it to steam his bread (so that the outside doesn't cook faster than the inside). His bread baking obsession has risen to a whole new level (haha). I have been reading about how steaming clothes is much better for the article of clothing than ironing it, so I decided to give it a try.
Things did not start off well. As you can see below, we went through quite the process. I had to stop and snap this picture because the whole situation was hilarious. Yes, those are tongs. Yes, Ben has on gloves.
By the end (we steamed 16 or 18 pieces), I think we had it figured out (kind of). Some pieces were pretty tricky though.
So, what is the best method? Do you just hang it up, apply steam, and hope for the best (it seems like without tools, like gloves and tongs, that's all you can do)? Give me some tips!
I did finally get dressed:) I wore this out to get my hair done and over to a friends house for dinner. I picked this chemise up at the anthropologie party a few day ago. I have never tried the chemise as a dress look until now. I think I like it!