"It was the oldest sound in the world. Souls flying away." The Secret Life of Bees

Thursday, February 23, 2012


So, that cold that Ben had last weekend? Yep, I caught it. I feel so crappy. I did not sleep well at all last night, and I had an extremely busy day at work, so now I'm totally exhausted. Okay, whine over. I'm planning on lots of tea and tv tonight and hopefully a good nights rest.

Although the days are getting longer here in Portland (it gets dark at 4:30pm during dec/jan), I still can't seem to catch any daylight for OOTD shots by the time I get home from work. My commute is getting less and less dark, so I know it will happen soon. In the meantime, please excuse the weird bathroom shots. Our bathroom has a bright light that isn't too yellow, so that was the best I could do for outfit shots. This also gives you get a little peek at our new bathroom floor!

Top: Anthropologie Stained Glass top
Cardigan: J. Crew Jackie
Skirt: UO
Tights: J. Crew
Shoes: Seychelles
Brooch: Anthropologie